Friday, November 23, 2012

Half-Way Point: What I've Learned Thus Far

Three weeks and 21 self-care practices have passed. Here's what I've learned thus far:

  1. On some days, I engage in multiple self-care rituals a day (i.e. surrounding my self with music, letting light in my apartment, going to yoga, prayer, etc.)
  2. Some self-care practices are only effective as durational performance. Instant gratification has come from rituals such as taking a bath, while others require a daily return for the care to fully manifest for example mantras on the bathroom mirror.
  3.  Committing to self-care was initially exhausting because it forced me to realize the amount of time I have spent *not* caring for myself or my body.
  4. Admitting that I'm committing to self-care is embarrassing because it feels self-centered and narcassistic.
  5. Admitting that I'm committing to self-care is brave because it is self-centered and makes *me* the center my universe.  As a Black/Haitian/woman, I have been taught to care for everyone else but myself and this works allows me to invest in me.
  6.  Self-care has forced me to reassess my priorities--I find myself asking more often "do I really want to do this right now and why?"
  7. Self-care is holistic work: mind+body+spirit trifecta.
  8. Self-care is emotional-mirror-held-up-to-my-face work. Pointing me to where I am now and the kind of person I want to be (free, thoughtful, truthful, unafraid). 
  9. Many people do not want to admit to the importance of self-care, but everyone knows they need it.

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