Just that simple:
Exercise and sleep are a necessity. While I have no issues with the latter, (I can sleep 8 hours like the best of them), I think it is important to mention. Of course, not everyone needs 8 hours, but there is a limit that everybody hits where your body stops being functional. You will have to define that for yourself. On the other hand, being physically active is super important. I am realizing this now, as my lack of activity has caused slips into minor depressions an unhappiness with my physical appearance. That said, yoga is the shit. ~ Carina
I do have a problem with sleep, and often feel guilty when I overindulge. I typically shoot out of bed early and in a panic about all the things I should be doing rather than sleeping. Today, I tried to consciously turn off that little sleep-depriving voice telling me to get up. I crawled back into bed after turning off my alarm and ended up sleeping till noon! I woke up rested and without the usual guilt about "losing" a morning of work. Following that up with a short yoga practice. Free online yoga sites such as Do Yoga With Me have been great for when I'm looking to continue my practice while traveling.
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